or: My Rite of Spring had
Twice we do in the last week with wings. On Saturday last was the terrible years of effort in meeting our nudist club. There lay in heaps on the beautiful black grand piano in the great hall ballot. Three times had to count the Zählfrauen before it finally was clear: We can also swim in this summer together! With
have a very narrow majority, we won - and Mr Gull was also re-elected as Chairman. (Since there has been one dissenting vote. My own) Afterwards I got from my chair my first Swedish medal: the 5-crown-chocolate-medal on blue-yellow band. But yesterday was already again, the entire new board in our kitchen ... Phew!
But there are, fortunately, wings that are used appropriately. On Tuesday we were in a concert for four hands - and
was heartwarming! A couple belong together in real life, played some really good stuff: Stravinsky's Sacre du printemps over, Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2, a few variations of folk tunes, but also some really cool jazzy stuff. A nice mix! As luck would have it so I came in the concert hall next to a blind man to sit. So, not only by my own, but right next to a blind man who could never see something in his life. All visually impaired people who engage in this town somehow familiar, even today, because so many are not. But when two blind men meet by chance, it takes at least a seer, who says: Hey, Kjell, Bernt-Erik is here! The day before yesterday so I was the one-eyed man among the blind.
And I wandered once again such a small mythical creature from the bowels: it is something with Kjell's voice. In his face stirred up as much as mine does not - Is that really the case with blind? - But his voice does it all: she can smile wink, frown, wide grin - and even see straight in the eye. This was ich so noch nie erfahren. Es ist ganz und irgendwie merkwürdig magisch.
My Rite of Spring
There are different ways to use a grand piano. On Saturday, two tellers at the beautiful black grand piano in Dahl Heimer House and counted the ballots that
were sorted on the instrument. It took a closed and two open votes before the results fit in any way connected with the electoral register - and we actually won! But, pooh, which is a hassle annual meeting, it was nonetheless. I worked as an errand boy and ran around with the microwave for a few hours, because the average age of members of Kallbadhuset Friends is a bit higher than my own middle age. As bad luck was re-elected Mr. Seagull in the chair, even though I protested loudly. They just laughed when I said that it is not at all fun to be married to a union. With such a club!
(One member sent 34 emails to Mr Gull in recent months, because she did not like mixed bathing in that little section called Hagen ...) It was not much comfort that I got my first medal that sits on a blue and yellow bands: the 5-kronor-chocolate medal. Already yesterday We had all the new board at home in our kitchen and after I had boiled coffee and put out sandwiches and various salads and stews so I struggled in the bedroom with your hosting, because the IT boys had shot Saltholmen website to the moon or beyond. Ah yes, what a shame I could not participate in SNF Partille annual meeting. The club like I was made much more and where I was elected to the board but that I was asked one. Fun!
On Tuesday came the further two people to use a black grand piano together, though they made it a bit more professional. They played Stravinsky's Rite of Spring in a version for four hands - Impressive! - And then a little of everything. A rewarding concert, I thought. Fate wanted that I ended up next to a blind man where the artist's great hall. He is Kjell and is blind since birth. I got to say "Hi Kjell, it is Bernt-Erik," because he knows Mr. Seagull, though he never recognize him without anyone saying anything, either Mr Seagull, or someone who looks and who know that they know each other . There is something very special about Kjell's voice. He do not touch anything in the face while he speaks (used to be when you are blind from birth?), But he does everything with her voice: smile, frown, blink, to smile, look deep into the eyes of one. It feels very strange and I have never experienced with anyone else.