Sunday, August 9, 2009
Football Birthday Party Invitation Wording
Hi Dad,
today is the first sad date, before which we all so afraid it's your 46th wedding anniversary mom is very sad and I also
Dad, I'm really afraid of these data coming yes again and again. The next big hurdle is the 9.9., the day of our wedding, Rüdis and my. Marriage without my beloved Dad? did I imagine it never can. From This is why my joy clouded if I'm also very happy to marry the best man in the world. I am so happy that you have understood you well and that you have so have liked him. That really means a lot. We all know that he is the right thing for me. The only one!
What next? The 25th October, your birthday! We are all afraid of that day and then comes Christmas. Before that, the day that you came to the hospital. Finally, in January, your death.
And so we go from year to year. Dad, it still does hurt so much that you are no longer with us.
And always this feeling as an affiliate may have not given anything. I have your immeasurable Value How to really appreciate? I usually have that, but I was often fierce and not always to you, as you deserve. But I hope you know I love you beyond measure, Papa! Sometimes I'm
directly jealous of Susan and Sea, you know that? Because they had the incredible luck to you for so long have had in their lives. But I am happy that you were my father. There can be no better in the world. I thank God that He has given me such wonderful parents. In love
Fraxel Laser For Under Eyes
In the last week I finally finished reading Wuthering Heights. As always in the summer, I'm not as common to read, as I would like to do. Wuthering Heights I was also quite good, although it took me quite a while to finally warm to the book was. But towards the end, was it really good. Since
me the whole story of the Bronte sisters somehow very interested, I'm on my last visit Bibo also a small biography of the Bronte sisters with him. My real reason for visit was the biography of Joseph Roth (my favorite author!) Of William of Star Castle. Since I've heard the whole sad story of Joseph Roth previously only as at the edge, but almost all of his Books I read, I wanted to fill this knowledge gap will have a go.
I started then now the brick by Kim Newman. to "The Vampire" was reissued by Heyne Verlag, because this title inexperienced readers suggest that this book has something to tan with the currently very trendy breed novels must. Of course this is not so, are the three parts of the Newman already appeared in the '90s. This brick contains "Anno Dracula", "The Red Baron" and "Dracula CHA-CHA-CHA" and falls with almost 1300 pages of quite thick.
The audio book that fascinates me now on his way to work is the highly acclaimed book by award winner Uwe tower Tellkamp. I think It is good that this book is cut as audiobook, because as I've heard, the book but also a little far wandering. I can not say about the audio book. It's a snap. And I remember very well on this old GDR times. If it is then cleaned with ATA, or delicate or a can of pineapple is purchased, which of course brings back memories. This old DDR brings flair Tellkamp over great and my thoughts on this audio book just got off. Highly recommended.
Monday, August 3, 2009
How To Hack The Sidekick Lx 09
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Senior Week House - Ocean City Md

God was going to call your name.
In life we loved you dearly,
in death we do the same.
It broke our hearts to lose you,
you did not go alone;
for part of us went with you,
the day God called you home.
You left us peaceful memories,
your love is still our guide.
And though we cannot see you,
you're always at our side.
Our family chain is broken, and nothing
seems to be the same;
but as God calls us, one by one,
the chain link will be again.
Hi Dad, it's
but incomprehensible that there are already over 6 months ago is that you're gone. The writing triggers again a violent stitch, in my heart.
Today was another one of those day when I took the sadness like a hammer. I'm on my phone, the picture of you and Mom have seen and have to cry terribly.
And I keep thinking: How can it be that anyway time goes by so incredibly fast? Half a year already? How is that possible? How did it without you! We miss you all so blending world, Papa. Every day there are a hundred little things that remind me of you and a hundred little moments in which I ask you for advice or you would just trust my anger. It is so common that you're no longer there. I love you but so sweet!
It comforts me to think that one day we meet again, but I miss you in my life. Our talks and tours. The many fun and your infectious laugh!
I need you desperately ask for a favor, Dad! If you somehow noticed, there where you now are, then please, please, send Mom a beautiful dream, or come visit them in their sleep. It has recently been dreaming so terrible.
You came in her dream home and have all your bags searched. And Mum was so ready. Please tell her that everything is good. That they did everything right, all right? You miss her terribly, she needs something!
Dad, I'm writing again. Now I have to stop. It hurts ....
I love you!!
Friday, July 31, 2009
Inflatable Pillow Camping
past I've always liked to see the scene on Sunday evening. Meanwhile, I got quite a while, the desire on the scene look lost. Somehow I get the time but winds from the radio scene. The radio scene can be conveniently loaded via podcast on your mp3 player. Every month a new episode of the crime scene Radion radio plays. This is then a week on the radio in the public service channels. After this week it is free for one week listenable on the radio scene of the crime site and download. As already discussed above, however, I prefer the automatic update of my podcast client. Each episode is always about 45 minutes.
go to website here: Radio Tatort
Anyway, I have the radio plays, there is no readings, always on my MP3 Player played, but never heard. The week before last I started out times on a whim with the first crime scene. What can I say, I like the series really well, now I'm at the 14th Result reached. In the last week of the 19th Part appeared.
What I really like is that many episodes are built up a venue. There are many discussions and through this dialogue is always hot and the trail leads ultimately to the perpetrators. There are other episodes where the commissioners then immerse in the environment and determine from there. They are also great consequences. Almost all episodes are characterized by much Lokalkollorit, is getting established in Swabia, then Berlin and then it is sometimes Mecklenburg Vorpommern (Schwerin). The mixture is definitely true. Way, there are a total of 9 locations all over Germany. I also like very much that no known speakers were selected. So one can make yourself a picture of people in the head and has not had a pre-image of a famous actor in the head. And this "unknown" speaker do their thing really well. In the course of their consequences, one can also well the handwriting of the directors, as the most important police continue to evolve as well.
My favorites are the cases with the police Nadir Terak. He is always pretty cool, and always throws himself right into the fray.
Conclusion: Tests the radio scene in quiet times, the consequences are to get free and how you would expect from public service productions, you get very good quality offered here.
PS: The picture shows the way the cover of the current episode, "The yellow truck." I think the covers always fit very well the mood of the respective radio play.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Tourist Map Printable Dc
I have now read the new edition of "fantastic!" . I am very glad that I found this magazine, because in addition to the Nautilus I read the fantastic! now for about a year subscription. And I have not looked back.
The current issue waiting with 3 great interviews (Claudia Kern, Matthew Reilly and Bernd Rümmelein). My personal favorite is the interview with Bernd Rümmelein liked. The newly crowned winner of the Wolfgang Hohlbein price very detailed and informative answers to the questions. I now have very much pleasure to his 6-volume series "Kryson" get. The first three volumes are published in September in excess Reuther purchased Otherworld Verlag. I think each of these three books has over 500 pages. Since I'm already looking forward on it and I guess I will set the most significant. First, I'll read a few reviews, and if they are broadly positive, I will test the series probably times. Overall, I liked the interviews fantastic in the! always really good with the best in the magazine. This is always a lot of effort will be made on the issues. Furthermore
was still a portrait of Jean Paul found. That was very interesting because I still do not know this man. Read value nor was a report about the mysterious author Thomas Pynchon, and a report on the new edition of the East Ard saga by Tad Williams and a report on Julie Zeh.
Since I have not touch short stories and science fiction in general I the short stories and a report entitled "How much can the Science Fiction" on scrolls of convenience.
so it was again a completely successful issue - I'm waiting forward to the next.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
How Long For Tomazapan To Take Effect

Somehow I had in recent weeks not enough time to read much. This is a shame, because my former reading was actually very good and a little more attention would have been earned. Well, you can not do anything. Nevertheless, I have the 6
Corum small volumes - each has so about 200 pages - Gelsenkirchen very much. Man Moorcock notes that he knows what he writes and not without reason is a past master.
What really amazed me were the many great ideas and ideas that Moorcock has placed in this book. It has always amazed me that so many ideas fit into this book.
What a shame I found was the fact that the last band was clearly the weakest volume in the cycle. This has the general impression then a little bit torn down. Very annoying were the many spelling mistakes in the last volume. It was really to be found on almost every page fails. This is something I've ever had in any book.
Here now a short single rating of the respective parts:
The Scarlet Prince
08.10 The Queen of Chaos 7.10
The end of the gods, the cold realm 09.10 10.07
The imprisoned king 9.10
The yellow Warhorse 5.10
forgive The overall total of 10.07 points, I note, since I enjoy the whole series has really liked.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Gingerbread Cookie Dough How Long

King Kong from the year 2005 by Master Peter Jackson, I've divided into two movie nights. After the movie I was speechless for a while first, because the film has been quite impressed really. The film is correct length, but no lengths. Even the idea of the characters is so well managed, the time flies by quickly.
The story of King Kong, I need say nothing more, which is of course well known. The main characters are very well chosen. With this are Jack Black, Naomi Watts, Adrien Brody and Thomas Kretschmann. Since you really only Jack Black from slapstick movies know, I had my doubts at first, but Jack Black is also such films and the way it delivers a good dose of humor (especially at the beginning of the film) for a good mix. And Thomas Kretschmann is doing really well. With
liked best with the cruise. There was much to see great pictures and has the arrival on Skull Iceland what it takes. Of course, Peter Jackson knows his craft and the action sequences are breathtaking. I have rarely seen such great fights or chases.
What irritated me a little bit, were the dinosaurs. This is not something I could not remember the original. But after a short time it went well. This made the chase then compete again.
(It also fits very well that recently a theme night on King Kong ran on Arte. There, I took the three films in a row (King Kong and the white woman, King Kong's son and another film, the title is me unfortunately omitted) and I will then look at the first opportunity times. I'm definitely looking forward already to the film of 1933.)
Well all in all it was a thoroughly successful blockbusters and really a very great pleasure and I wonder seriously, why I have been waiting with watching ...
Saturday, July 11, 2009
How Long Not Shave Before Wax

So, yesterday I had the original Death Race movie watched in 1975. It was definitely a nice movie night. Since I want to polish up my English a little, I saw him I looked in the original. Was not all that difficult, as it was in the movie do not even speak a whole lot ...
is in the movie is about a death race in which initially join a total of 5 teams. A team consists of a car, a driver and a female navigator. Now it is time to reach the target (the chase goes through the whole of America) and have to cart as many people as possible with the car. There are different items for men, there are only 30 points for children 70 and even 110 points for senior citizens. Very weird idea. Star of the race is Frankenstein, which has long been considered invincible holds and hides his face behind a mask. Frankenstein is played by Kung Fu star David Carradine has been found until recently even the dead under mysterious circumstances in Thailand in a closet. Continues to play the young Sylvester Stallone also has the racers Machine Gun Joe Vitterbo. Both do their thing pretty well.
starts Unlike the remake of the film from 2008, the race immediately. The remake is still a little history to it, the film then a little drag on.
The film is already nearly 35 years old, but I think you can tell him now, not necessarily. He is a little comically constructed and the people are a little exaggerated, but I think it also has a certain charm.
has liked me very well, the moderator of the race, which was really very funny.
Conclusion: Fast-paced action film that also has many funny scenes. Me he really liked.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Community Service For Court Letter
Currently I'm reading the saga of Corum with the silver hand.
Corum called so because it is equal in the first volume in a nasty torture one eye and lost his left hand. In the course of the books he receives a "prosthesis", up his silver hand. Although the book has
Corum quite a few years old, it still reads very well and you notice that Moorcock is one of the masters of his craft.
The book consists exactly of 6 books. I read a very old first edition from the publisher's Bastion. Are the beautiful old books, but it has something.
The books are as follows: first
The Scarlet Prince
second The Queen of Chaos
third The end of the fourth gods
The cold kingdom
5th The imprisoned king
6th The yellow steed
I'm just the last band on and I can say that no band falls in the series, there are all the books very well.
So with Moorcock can not go wrong, it is again time to read a classic. :)
Friday, June 5, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Constant Scabs In Nose
Dearest Papa,
is now occurred to me that since you yesterday about 4 months away are. How is it that I have not noticed yesterday? Otherwise, I felt that day always bad. And then something occurred to me. Annika had birthday yesterday. We have initiated you. She is now 15 years old. Next year it will be confirmed. You'd be so proud of her. It develops really great!
I know I should not feel bad because yesterday I thought not so how else to you. You would not do that. But I want you still can not from my life. You will always be a part of it. I love and miss you so much. I hope that I will feel your presence when I get married on 09.09.09. Please be kind there. Let me feel your presence!
I have heard from many people that they have been dreaming about your dad. It would be so nice if you could meet me in a dream again and talk to me. I would so like to know if you now it's fine. Although I feel it somehow, but I want to know. Come visit me at this, yes? I love you, Dad! Your daughter.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
How To Open Pokemon Cartridge
But a resurgence of another genre is occurring in Engalnd and especially in Oxford.
The Math-rock revival, one could call it post-rock music to tell others.
most famous post-rock bands in England and UK's are 65daysofstatic, who have already become world famous, and Mogwai, to be published in 2008 her new album "The Hawk is Howling".
But these two bands are not part of revival. The Math-rock revival is a movement of different bands, with a noticeable spread Oxford. No wonder math music from Europe is on paying for such.
The best-known newcomer among the math-rock revival bands are "Foals" which last year provided with their debut album "Antidotes" sensation.
But we begin once again.
What is Math Rock at all?
The term "Math Rock" describes a sub-genre of experimental or progressive rock. The music is characterized by its rhythmic awkwardness and its almost anarchic, demonstrative excess of conventions from.
The main instrument of the Math-rock is the guitar, it forms the basis for each song, run a square with tunes by the song. Often respond Several guitars and construct a kind of scaffolding, which is in constant danger of collapse. Clear melodies hide behind confusing riffs, enhanced by jazz-punk drums, a guide to another world.
is sung in the style of music that flourished in the late 80s particularly difficult, is often shouted into the microphone, similar to heavy metal or punk.
Nevertheless, the lyrics have a math-rock bands their own features. The lyrics are dissonant, are contradictory, are difficult to understand.
The genre was and is common in the U.S., especially in the cities of Pittsburgh, Washington DC and San Diego. Known American representatives can are Don Caballero, or the slightly more towards hardcore gambling Faraquet from Washington.
played an important role, the label Dischord Records, which represented a variety of known or hardcore math-rock bands. Yannis Philipakkis, lead singer of Foals, has in interviews several times expressed his love in teenage years to Dischord Records and bands like Sweep the Leg Johnny. However
enjoys the Math-rock is not only a great popularity in America. Japan loves Math-Rock, as well as post-rock. The island nation has produced a variety of modern musical giants, such as toe or Lite.
And what makes Post-rock Math-rock?
Post-Rock is the jazz, the lounchgeeignetere, the quieter music.
It is mostly instrumental, and less influenced by punk and hardcore as Math-Rock. Known post-punk representatives are Mogwai, Godspeed You! Black Emperor.
Math-rock revival of England in the last few years
But now to the actual topic of this post, the Math-Rock Revival.
Every revival there against changes of old music, so even with this resurgence.
The band's music is poppy, customized, danceable. In addition, you can feel the great impact modern rock, not least that of electronic music which is very pronounced especially in Foals.
I will introduce you to and from labels, bands, and important figures of the movement, everything taken into categories.
In the first post presented first two labels short.
Try Harder - by musicians for musicians
Try Harder Label From the bands come with the greatest success in recent years. The label was founded by Al English, the guitarist of the band "Youth Music" was founded and is now home to stars like themselves "Foals", "Blood Red Shoes," "Tired Irie" and Youthmovies. In 2009, a release of some of the former band Foals member is given to: The Ed Fitzgerald.
Big Scary Monsters - the label of Oxford
who appropriates the boards of some new English Math-rock talent, stumbles again and again over the imaginative name of this relatively young label, which Kevin founded Douch, as he was at school. Thus, the label was
long only a name, nothing more, nothing less.
But in recent years has developed into the Big Scary Monsters Recording Company to one of the most important labels in the Math-rock revival scene.
with famous bands like "This Town Needs Guns," "Second Smile", the Swedish post-rock group "Jeniferever" and the well-known Act "Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly," makes the zero-sum Label now not too bad deal.
Monday, March 23, 2009
I'm Trying To Crochet A Hat But It Keeps Waving
dad, Sascha the other day on his cell phone "I am, I said" play by Neil Diamond. That was very terrible and somehow beautiful. But it is hard for me to hear Neil's music. It evokes so many memories the beautiful, but are also infinitely more painful. I just need to remember that you once asked me if I would write a book about your life. We have always been delayed. I'm very sorry, you know? I should have done it. But now I write a lot about you. Perhaps a book out of it and maybe you'll be aware of it, because where are you now and proud of me.
Do you know what I can not forget? I always see how they put your body in front of me. It was so unnatural for you. You would have never located Sun Of course I know you at this point long ago were at a better place, but still ...
I always say, "Your body was an old house that you have left to live in a better place. Where the air is clean and pure. Where you can breathe again and feel no pain need. Yes, it is comforting to most of the time. But I join up with this old house, I know every angle in it. I often think of your hands. I remember very well to them. You have comforted me often. And I remember every expression, every look in your eyes. To all your gestures and I would never forget! None of this should go lost to me, never!
You know, today I feel much much much and I schlecht.Rüdiger go search for the same church for the wedding. Without you. This is so sad. If I could take you a hug! I miss you so much! And Mama? I can not imagine how it only for it to be. But you help us, right? Definitely.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Why Do The Arches Of My Feet Hurt When I Skate

for this life
for this life, Beloved Father, it is a farewell.
In this life, my Dad, I will never see you anymore.
The years fly by like a beautiful song.
And soon, in the next life, we will again join forces.
No finality is true and really last.
Everything ends and begins again from scratch.
will rejoice I was there also one or the other wall.
Soon my dearest Daddy, we'll meet again, which I'm long for this life, looking forward '!
your daughter Nina 03/14/2009
Recipes For A Single Serve Blender
Sometimes I wish, dear papa, people would not always ask how I am. It's just an empty phrase, but I can honestly impossible to . Reply Automatically say: Very well, thank you. But it's not good. They ask: do you cope? And I would sometimes cry: No, dammit! I can not cope with it, absolutely not! God, Dad I miss you so terribly, even though I know we will meet again someday. But the time is up then so long and I miss her so much! We always went shopping together, because it has done to you just as much fun. You always had so much patience. And it hurts so much infinity, you always to speak of in the past tense. Why are you gone? I am strong, most of the time. But in all, I miss! Every step I take, every word I say, are in every breath And thou laugh when I hear new stories and I remember how much I want to tell you about it. I miss your laughter when I told you something funny or if you just have seen something funny on TV. And the hum in your voice, which always accompanies you. While waiting at the box office, while driving or when I leaned on you. Dad, it says that the love remains. And this is true. Sometimes I notice your scent and know you are with me. It goes on and I know you do not like when I'm sad. But the sadness I need. I try but also never to lose my joy and to enjoy my life. And I will always be there for Mom. Miss you you just as awful! But we can. Your girls are strong and THE LOVE IS! We feel your love every day and have learned a lot from it. You were the best father in the world. There is none like you. On 09.09.09 Rüdiger and I are married. I know that you're glad that a lot. And it is also a difficult day because my dad does not accompany me to the altar. But I know you're there, also if I can not see you, and hold my hand. I want that day to rejoice and celebrate my love. The love to you and to my husband, who also missed you terribly! We love you more than anything, and forever!