past I've always liked to see the scene on Sunday evening. Meanwhile, I got quite a while, the desire on the scene look lost. Somehow I get the time but winds from the radio scene. The radio scene can be conveniently loaded via podcast on your mp3 player. Every month a new episode of the crime scene Radion radio plays. This is then a week on the radio in the public service channels. After this week it is free for one week listenable on the radio scene of the crime site and download. As already discussed above, however, I prefer the automatic update of my podcast client. Each episode is always about 45 minutes.
go to website here: Radio Tatort
Anyway, I have the radio plays, there is no readings, always on my MP3 Player played, but never heard. The week before last I started out times on a whim with the first crime scene. What can I say, I like the series really well, now I'm at the 14th Result reached. In the last week of the 19th Part appeared.
What I really like is that many episodes are built up a venue. There are many discussions and through this dialogue is always hot and the trail leads ultimately to the perpetrators. There are other episodes where the commissioners then immerse in the environment and determine from there. They are also great consequences. Almost all episodes are characterized by much Lokalkollorit, is getting established in Swabia, then Berlin and then it is sometimes Mecklenburg Vorpommern (Schwerin). The mixture is definitely true. Way, there are a total of 9 locations all over Germany. I also like very much that no known speakers were selected. So one can make yourself a picture of people in the head and has not had a pre-image of a famous actor in the head. And this "unknown" speaker do their thing really well. In the course of their consequences, one can also well the handwriting of the directors, as the most important police continue to evolve as well.
My favorites are the cases with the police Nadir Terak. He is always pretty cool, and always throws himself right into the fray.
Conclusion: Tests the radio scene in quiet times, the consequences are to get free and how you would expect from public service productions, you get very good quality offered here.
PS: The picture shows the way the cover of the current episode, "The yellow truck." I think the covers always fit very well the mood of the respective radio play.
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