After two rather strenuous days - the gull had scheduled lengthy meetings with both the board of the swimming club and with the Greens - and they were all at home, we have something today be more quiet. Yesterday afternoon we were still in town, first in an office supply store (I can next week to print more than 800 letters!), then with our accounting firm to Mingeln that is Smalltalk with Small Food - relaxed and casual, and finally also in an electric market because our CD Player has now finally given up the ghost. (The Seagull without CDs! That's impossible!) Well, we obviously still have no new players, but already a address where we can turn towards us.
During the night of new sugar has crept up after it had been raining on the weekend and everything looked pretty ugly temporarily. Now everything is back to cool - and I was out there in the evening long. Wanted to hear the big owl again, but it was just not at home. I then walked around for long in the cemetery. Something I'm very happy. It is the calm and there are the old trees, which I like. As they always change with the seasons. Now they are bare and snow-covered magical. It's so rare that even here blows no wind. Tomorrow is probably already blown away all ...

folk hade vi hemma hos oss: Kallbadhusets styrelse Mandag i och lite av Miljöpartiet Igar. Igar vi dessutom var ute i stan, för att Först rekognosera one var kan Appraisal kontor material (Jag ska skriva ut dryga 800 letters next week!), then we mingled a bit, because the accounting agency had moved to new premises and in the end we tried to find out where to get a really (!) good CD player, because our old one had run out. (Seagull, no CD player, it just do not!) Well, anyway, I was pretty tired last night - and today we took it easy.
New icing has sneaked in the night, after the weekend's rain had destroyed almost the entire white glory. After dusk I went out, much to hit the eagle owl in Svaleboskogen again, but it was not at home then. So I wandered a bit around the cemetery, something I like in and of itself - quite the opposite of Mr Gull. He would never go there. I enjoy the relative silence. (Completely silent, it will be never, since the town lies around and also one can always drive to the cemetery, which is not allowed in Germany!) And I like the old trees. How they change the look of the year. Right now, the beautiful överpudrade with powdered sugar, therefore, something that really can not stay so long. It is almost never completely calm in Gothenburg, but today there was no wind at all. It was nice.

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