I'm finally addressed. As promised, it started - even if it took a long time. I Since May 2010 my posted short-Reviews regularly with a small interval change zwischendruch Although still resistant what me, in utter self-criticism and with a little self-confidence, has even surprised. For I am not a man the uniformity and regularity . But here I am held by ... 2011 .

2010 I 14 Review lists (this included), published the short Reviews and ratings to 177 films include . Overall, I have forgiven 1190 points on a 1 to 10 scale, these films , average 7 points per film - which I think is a great deal. So much for the sheer numbers!

First, the usual, how is it in any language to the list: movies, where I fell asleep (coming very, very, very common ...) or have aborted for some other reason are leftovers not in the lists (the only exception "Rome Is Bleeding" ). I have also noted because of the time needed no series in the lists . is also worth mentioning that this year I n maybe very often films in the cinema enjoyed and thus have some "current" rate could not. Basically, I favor also one way or the older films.

Back in day me my nostalgia brought in the form of "Asterix" films . I had spontaneously decided to revive the good old days with the sighting of this. This will ultimately included not all films in the series, but at least the most important . And actually makes the sympathetic duo Asterix and Obelix still fun - in the right stories.
spontaneously I also wanted to again to Dario Argento try and have it at least made me two of his legendäreren films ( "Suspiria" and "Profondo Rosso" ) again for anybody. And although they have their charm, I had time to admit that I just do not open up the call Argento ...
- pure
- Lovecraft to John Carpenter's "The Mouth of Madness" I long time on TV: Here they are, the great little discoveries . It is the film in its wake, in its mood and atmosphere of hopelessness just wonderful scary. And Sam Neill is great in the lead role.
- Sherlock Holmes me this year was very fascinated , which is reflected in few Sherlock Holmes films in the lists ( "The Hound of the Baskervilles" of 1983, the " Holmes vs. Jack the Ripper " versions). This was the real discovery the great series with Jeremy Brett . The rule is: take a look at this series! Better Holmes adaptation does not exist!
- Although not outstanding, but it is interesting enough as a small film was "Final Cut" with Jew Law . A small British production that the trick of "Blair Witch Project" varies somewhat earlier used , yet much more convincing functions as the lame U.S. low-budget pseudo-Grusler.
- from the first season of "Masters of Horror" series to the more or less familiar horror-film directors like John Carpenter or Dario Argento short films provided , I have seen one or the other and put the overall mediocrity of the whole note as well successful and very entertaining episodes as John Landis "Deer Woman or Takashi Miike "Imprint" discovered. Similarly, Joe Dante curious zombie political "Homecoming" not go unmentioned.
- Martia arts discovery of the year is of course Isaac Florentine "Undisputed III: Redemption where Scott Adkins was able to show again, what a great fighter it. The fights are choreographed well and staged, the story is indeed clichéd and predictable, but without getting boring . Yes, Americans can get good martial arts Kracher turn ... with an Israeli director and a British actor.
- From the countless number of crappy Asian horror films , preferably with a g Rusel, undead girl with long hair, stands "R-Point" or "Ghost Soldier" out clearly in our country. The mixture of war and horror proves densely atmospheric, exciting fight for survival in a hopeless situation . Only the identification of Asian actors can sometimes be problematic because they be kept in uniform hard apart, but as Western performers do no exception. Ah yes, the Asian girl with long hair are also here - fortunately rarely present.
- Easy more fun anti-Christmas movie is "Santa Slay" where Bill Goldberg as Santa Claus satanic murderous rages through a small town . But the beginning is worth a look!
- My Ingmar Bergman boxes had to deal with dust in my shelf when I'm finally came to "Wild Strawberries" to see . a masterpiece about life and death , almost the essence of Bergman's oeuvre . Touching, great, just a masterpiece through and through .
- for a biopic of 1956 is "Vincent van Gogh - for Life" a highly entertaining affair, with beautiful images and impressive lead performances by Kirk Douglas and Anthony Quinn .
- . "Scott Pilgrim vs. the World" is THE ultimate Nerdgasm that no one knew to appreciate - except for nerds. A real shame! For as a versatile inventiveness and such a perfect staging are found today only rarely.
- "Lust, Caution" I am not on the list because of the film, because despite Ang Lee's intense emotion, the film is merely a framework for a great movie. For that I have with this film (and with "Girl with a Pearl Earring" , but I have not seen) composer Alexandre Desplat discovered. a very good musician , perhaps the most familiar "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" . For me, a little musical revelation .
- "Sideways" was taken long, but unseen on the hard disk. Only in retrospect he really exerts its effect on me, all the more urgent. Beautiful, realistic Road Trip of Paul Giamatti and Thomas Haden Church , wonderful isnzeniert of Alexander Payne . Great!
- With Barry Sonnenfeld's film adaptation of the "Addams Family" I finally found a really funny comedy times, full of black humor and well domiciled Actor who ekes out on TV usually a tragic afternoon program existence. Hey! This comedy is 10 times what they want to scrap his current film, by chewing the same unimaginative gags again and again and call themselves "comedy" where funds would be snoring much more appropriate.
- is a shadowy existence fristend , but this time in Kabel1-night program mostly burned up together with the inferior sham "Stephen King's Quicksilver Highway" Similarly, the of zombie king George A. Romero staged Stephen King adaptation "Stark - The Dark Half" . A exciting horror film with a dense atmosphere, very good actors , led by Timothy Hutton and eerily beautiful music by Christopher Young . A criminally underrated thriller , the I even like it better than Romero's "Dawn of the Dead" .
- I actually never liked the ridiculous "flying scenes in wuxia films . Who knows the genre knows what I mean. But a re-examination of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" I underwent a radical change in such a way that I feel at least in said film such as flight deposits very beautiful and almost spiritual . Just like the movie.
As with any thing there as it here the other side of the coin and the odd disappointment has set for me too . I'm not disappointed quickly, because my expectations are almost always from the outset to a minimum. But they have managed to .
- The predecessor had fresh and director Jon Favreau had enough ideas in peto - but for "Iron Man 2" it is then perhaps the ideas considered because the story was uninspired absolute and desolate continued with a unimaginative villain, a typical father-son-conflict history of the Hollywood-Love- Story , the crackling tension between Tony Stark and Pepper Potts simply drown in the love cliche times bottom leaves and lots of great little boys -nonsense . The film has not become totally uninteresting is solely on the actors and particular thanks to Robert Downey Jr. .
- In my Sherlock Holmes enthusiasm I had of course the duel between him and Jack the Ripper see, but both films on the subject are rather lame . I had about 60 too much of the and 70-year expected?
- One of my most anticipated action films of the year was "Ninja: Revenge Will Rise" , which turned out unfortunately as completely unspectacular, almost trivial contribution to the B-action genre where only Look to the right . Even the fights are usually too boring and the lack of content makes itself felt here yet .
- His relatively high rating received "Inception" of me, but measured on the premise it was very disappointing . The comprehensive is dream and subconscious themes in favor of a simple action-espionage thriller construct reduced, which in his psychology heraustellt mainstreamanbiedernd simple. The content is loose and relaxed , the purely symbolic characters and worlds frightening dream unimaginative. But after all the actors were and tricks top . Nevertheless überhypt total and pseudo intellectual .
- I was never sure what I of a sequel to Bruce Lee - should keep classic , but the pictures and trailers looked good from , also is the main actor Donnie Yen a martial arts god. But "Legend of the Fist: The Return of Chen Zhen" rises too high, unfortunately, claims and developing in an unfavorable direction will be epochal and tell a great story. That the whole then again in the usual "heroic fighter against evil individual Chinese Japanese Oppressors "posturing ends that every single Chinese film occurred in recent years, a testament to the sheer lack of imagination of the makers. In addition, Donnie Yen Chen Zhen plays in the story until the final little role and is given away completely . This also means that martial arts fights very few and far between, are staged for well managed . The final is on the other hand failed totally.
This is my bottom line of my review list of the year 2010 . It could have been worse, as if I were guaranteed more often went to the movies ...
But would
2010 was also a very sad year , a year of great movie legends demise, which I hereby commemorate again. The pay tribute to deceased many people in the film world in the measured tribute is extremely difficult , because it went so many of us, known as less popular. Great men such as the directors Claude Chabrol and Arthur Penn or producer Dino De Laurentiis giant have practically shared the eternal Film Hall of Fame and enter to legends such as Dennis Hopper or Tony Curtis joins , just a few popular filmmakers, as " Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back director Irvin Kershner - or Quentin Tarantino's editor Sally Menke .
has greatly affected me, caused the death of comedic actor Leslie Nielsen , the in my childhood for countless hours of laughter has and if I sneaked it out of my bed in order to be able lens through a crack in the door into the living room where my parents just "Naked Gun" saw, followed by my discovery, I laugh out loud had.
And those are just those who mourned for me before in my blog . 3 men would also have found their way into the lists, I would still come to:
director Blake Edwards , by films such as "Breakfast at Tiffany's" , "The days of Wine and Roses " or the" Pink Panther "movies was revealed on 15 December on the died of pneumonia.

To all these people, including tourists wishing that I have forgotten and those who did not come from the area of the film
Nevertheless, life goes on, with me with the (dismissing series and movies that I do not see myself in a position to evaluate, because I as seen just to sleep) 12 films I have seen in the month of December since the last list :
Iron Monkey (1993)
Robin Hood Meets Wong Fei Hong combined with Asian humor. Successful vehicle for Donnie Yen , solid directed by Yuen Woo-Ping , so even though Unfortunately, bad wire-fu-fighting-heavy . Nevertheless entertaining. (7 / 10)
Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000)
beautiful wuxia drama about revenge, martial art and unrequited love of In Lee . Zhang Ziyi's character is sometimes unbearable and arrogant Chow Yun-Fats Li Mu Bai instructive masterfully unnerving while Michelle Yeoh musters an emotional counterweight . Incidentally, the only film in which the famous "flying wuxia deposits" not interfere, but weightless seem beautiful. As the entire film. (8.5 / 10)
The Naked Gun (1988)
The absurd jokes , partly from the original series "Police Squad" borrowed , made me as a kid and fun to do it thanks Leslie Nielsen ( RIP) still while Ricardo Montalban (RIP) stars as wonderful cliché of Bond-villain extents. still screamingly funny. (7 / 10)
Leprechaun 5 - In the Hood (2000)
say in ignorance of the first part I yet, this sequel should the series have exceeded the limits of madness if teaches a little Irish leprechaun on the hunt for his gold gangster rappers to fear . Unfortunately Warwick Davis is zeitweillig arg in favor of the protagonist rap trio and their hip-hop antics neglected. However, a single, fairly amusing Mind Fuck. (6 / 10 on a trash-scale)
Kate & Leopold (2001)
rätselnd Still, why did I ever watched this movie, I can say: the film is goofy ! From reasonably interesting premise, the film NOTHING , is meaningless , Meg Ryan annoying and chemistry between her and Hugh Jackman or plausible reason for their romance is not available . As I said, stupid. (3 / 10)
Heartless (2009)
small British morality play-Apor with fantasy and horror bays , which unfortunately also comes not above mediocrity , thereby as an urban horror definitely potential would have been and after all with Jim Sturgess can show a good actor . Nevertheless Philip Ridley here has a lot of wasted. (5 / 10)
The Seventh Sign (1988)
Acceptable apocalypse thriller with Demi Moore , Michael Biehn and Jürgen Prochnow that reflects Christian religion as a rich Nähboden for fantasy films disclosed to draw without much of the potential . After all, with mysterious atmosphere and a little exciting. missed (6.5 / 10)
Stephen King's Stark (1993)
Lange on Kabel 1, now at last seen: underestimated Stephen King -screen adaptation of George A. Romero , exciting, atmospherically with good music by Christopher Young and strong lead performances , especially Timothy Hutton . Heard of the film world must be rediscovered. (8 / 10)
Ip Man (2008)
More a the legendary status Yip's promotional , for accurate biopic. But there's almost all felt five minutes was great for fights and choreographed Kloppereien ! Donnie Yen is featuring superb , but there are also a lot of character depth not play out. However, a strong martial arts epic. (7.5 / 10)
Queen of the Thousand Days (1969)
English history in Hollywood-style , vs. Henry VIII. Anne Boleyn limited to their flirtation and political effects completely ignoring what the film sometimes may seem pretty boring can. But he is well and played ausgesattet set with Richard Burton as Henry and Geneviève Bujold suitable as Lady Boleyn. But it is too thick Hollywoodesk applied, especially the end ... (6 / 10)
Stephen King's Quicksilver Highway (1997)
Mick Garris staged on TV-level a history of Stephen King and (Etikettenschwindel!) one of Clive Barker (the author of two is better suppressed of course ...). Sure not scary and just involuntary (or voluntary?) funny, especially the oblique costumed Christopher Lloyd . Even worse, however: in parts badly tiring. (3 / 10)
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010)
Should more time on the list are, as my HDTV is already running hot in my drive ... the ultimate nerd-fest, furious directed by Edgar Wright . Just great! (9.5 / 10)
12 to 6.4 (77)
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