What is it that only means that you are in a new home very slowly feel at home? In another city in another country? For me, there are different things. If the courts begin to tell stories, for example:
- A little bank on the other side of the river whispers, remember, here you go with V.. It was very cold and he had only half-shoes, in which he slipped around and froze terribly safe ...
- Our neighbor, the rocky Svaleboskogen rushes with his crooked pine trees and lists all the beings who are to me here already met:
the merry squirrel, Mr. Kleiber, who runs down the trees prefer head first, the zealous green woodpecker and now the fat owl. - knows a bakery in Sävedalen of his unsurpassable Semlor report, so I instinctively the Mouth water running.
- reminds Brudaremossen The summit is still at a very special sunset last January. It was blowing a cold wind and we were all alone, the snowy peaks and I as we looked down on the city, the river and the sea.
- The wild flower meadow in Skändla smiles gratefully. It is therefore still open only because we clean in the spring of twigs and underbrush, and in late summer mowing with a scythe.
- tell The many lakes in Vättlefjäll very different scout stories of skiing and hiking, and make the fire out , Frittered away, eat a camera happens, a silver-gray canoe, a great place to swim and the very first encounter with a viper in my life.
- The high bridge over the river is giggling because I was not married to first over the bike - but then it went anyway!
- One of the archipelago boats has not forgotten my Titanic feeling from last winter and the blue tram remembers Jacob's very first word in Swedish: Nästa! And how is it he laughed!
Then there are of course the people. The baker's wife, for example. They know each other chatters and always a little bit. The girls in the Library, who have not forgotten that I had them once saved a presentation evening when the projector did not play. Our friends who have crammed into their guest house in the summer and where I after 30 year break to go sailing again allowed. The sometimes very peculiar types of nudist club. Oblique, but sometimes rather endearing. With one of them I once swam over to a island in the archipelago and there we sat as God created us, the gulls have dirt and philosophize about the meaning of life. And then my natural-course ...
These days the following happened: One of the conservationists, a committed gentleman between 70 and 80, called me and asked if I did not want to come along to the concert. His support would have fallen ill and he had thought of me. I do not know if the Migration Board in September I will send a questionnaire if my two-year residence permit has expired, a questionnaire including these questions: Did you ever given a Swedish native spontaneously a concert ticket? If so, you have made during the break at least one other indigenous people, which you already knew? But then I can check in any case twice YES!

Allt behöver sin tid, även integrations
Vad är det
which means that you will eventually feel at home somewhere else? In another city in another country? For me it's different things.
When spots begin to tell small stories such as:
- North Bank whispered the other day: Remember when you were here with V. It was freezing cold and he had only thin shoes. He was about to slip when you got up in Castle Hill and he froze to secure substantially. But your conversation was so rewarding.
- Be a neighbor, the rocky Svaleboskogen, let their crooked pines sigh and count up all these things I have already met with where: the merry squirrel, Nuthatch any walk down tree trunks head over his head, the eager cub and now eagle owl with his dismal cry.
- A bakery in Sävedalen makes itself felt with its colossal good buns and I will immediately crave them.
- top of the Babes bog remember a special evening last January. The wind was terrible up there, but the view and the sunset was magnificent. Furthermore, we were completely alone, it snowed the top and I.
- The wonderful flower meadow on the shell gravel bank in Skändla smiled gratefully. The nice open space would not exist anymore, unless we had removed the bushes there in the spring and hit with a scythe in the late summer.
- lakes on Vättlefjäll have different scout stories to tell me: many ski tours, hikes, campfire sites, about a lost camera, they have also just lost in the moors, a trip by canoe occurs and a beautiful beach and the first snake I had see in my life!
- Älvsborgsbron giggle a bit, because I was so scared at first to ride over it, but eventually I ventured yet.
- Or take this archipelago that inspired me a Titanic-feeling last ice season and the blue trams that still remembers how Little Jacob guffaws of learned his first words in Swedish: Next!
Then people understood. I think of the baker's wife. We have already exchanged a lot of thoughts and not just money and bread on the counter. Or the girls in the library that still remember how I saved one of their lecture evenings, since beamer will not obey. They help me know when I'm looking for something special. Since our best friends as "stuffed ourselves" in a cottage in Dalarna Lake The bark is where I even got to sail after thirty years of residence. (We'll just revenge of Trivial Pursiut! ;-) Or the guys at Salt Island, a bit odd sometimes, but often quite lovable. One of them talked me some time to swim out to the nearest edge, where we sat on a rock full of bird droppings, both of them naked, to talk about the meaning of life. Or my engaged friends from SNF-gang. (They are seven-eight and there are already three times Lars among them!)
For a few days ago, it attracted one of them called me up, a spry man in his early seventies. He wondered if I wanted to comply with a Viennese Concert at Concert Hall. His regular accompaniment was who canceled because of the parasites in Ostersund. But he wanted to go there anyway, because the concert's surplus would go to the City Mission's summer camp and summer camp are among the best he remembers from his childhood when his mother had suffered from tuberculosis ... I accepted immediately jaaa! of course - and now I think of the Migration Board, which might send out a questionnaire in September, when my residence permit to be renewed. And maybe there are these kinds of funny questions in their wise form: Have you ever received an expensive concert ticket for nothing - quite spontaneously, that is - one belonging to the Swedish native population? If yes, have you since the concert itself during the intermission met yet another friend who belongs to the Swedish origin of the population and which you did not know before moving to Sweden? Then I could at least check the YES both times!
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