or: The girl who played with fire
My way of improving the world is a bit complicated roads. I'm not a man who can debate in endless debates and influence others with my views. It can, however, Mr. Gull and since I moved in with him so he ventured to return to politics. His comeback worked great - almost like a comet - and now He has been elected to two boards and a municipal corporation. Then Thus, we improve the world together now. Improving the world means today to read an awful lot of pdf files and to participate in lengthy meetings. As visually impaired, it is sometimes very difficult with all these PDF files, especially when they do not want to be spoken at all in the screen reader program. It happens that the computer voice trunks or simply refuses to read completely. Sometimes you can copy the contents of your word processor and succeed there, sometimes you have to print it all and run in another machine, called Poet CompactFlash . Voice of the Poet CompactFlash name is Ingrid and does not sound very poetic.
There is a proverb which says "the secret behind every great man is his woman" and it is probably quite often. I actually thrive with this role, as there are any side that suits me pretty well. Is he looking at those endless meetings so I do not cook. Then he gets tax theme several times a day and I need to either act or stand at the stove and sink. Also, I can spend the time to something adventurous, but he sits at home and are worried about it or just sad about being alone. Last Sunday, for example, I met my Kullavik-girlfriend after I had sent Mr. Seagull to someone Green youth. My Kullavik-girlfriend should really be called somersault. She always has a lot to tell, especially lovely burlesque stories about how she, who is half Swabian and half Italian, sustains the Swedish mentality. This is a real adventure!
After I was updated with the occasional news we went to the movies, Hagabion words. Although this is a bit adventurous, because you almost do not have time to film the show on time because there is so much to read in the bathroom. But what good that from time to time is somebody who drags me into a cinema. It was actually only the second time I went to the cinema in Sweden and not this time, it was a Swedish film. We saw hedgehog and it was really good. It is about how to find his hiding place in this life that is so very much driven by commerce and where you cheat with that happiness is linked with buying something or be someone. (I think I'm doing to find my hideout! :-)
Speaking to buy something and be somebody. The other day I bought me a STEEL for the first time in my life. That's because I'm the next open-air stage of the Småland is not only over open fire manager but also has been elected as Fire Chief in our small group of students. We are four pieces and we call ourselves The Four pyromaniac limits. All other students should learn with the help of our fire-breathing presentations how to arrive at a real fire, even when it rains and everything has had time to get soaked, even the matches.
While Mr Gull sat and tried to improve throughout the world on Monday, I stood at home by the sink, but not for washing. I experimented with eldstålet and different types of tinder. Best of all, it was actually with a tampon that I had fluffed up. The adequacy of a single spark, and it said it only Puff! and the finest flame arose. Then we had to transfer all these indoor-experience the reality of the nightlife. So I packed my backpack and went out in Vättlefjäll. There is currently no risk of wildfire, so I felt safe when I went on my merry pyromaniac Kingdom trials. (In my opinion there are some criminal energy built into every human being. For me, it manifests itself in public transport without a ticket now and then - and without getting caught of course - as well as to set fire to a certain devilish delight.) I did quite well with my little fire so that I could finally eat olika varmrätter därute: tomatsoppa, engelsk och en stor grillkorv mugg Roett te. Det bara att ha gaelle tålamod, aquatic med elden och sedan med the färdiglagade Maten. Nästa vill jag alltså inte Lukta gang som en och inte heller rökt ål efteråt bränna Munn. Yes yes, you Nagot larch sig alltid.

No fire without smoke?
Will it improve the world, this is no longer as simple as ever. I mean earlier, when the world was still a bit clearer. I have now given the world improve quite fully to Mr. gull, because that can do much, much better than me. After I moved in with him, he returned to politics - and his comeback was a comet. Improve the world is now largely in it, horrible to read many PDF files, then he led hour-long debates in various fora. If you work with a computer without a screen, can feel even a simple PDF file as a hard class struggle. If, for example, they did not want to be read - or the computer voice stutters like crazy, because the PDF file is somehow not very few knots. Mr Gull aligned properly rare, but if he to make live easier need to read PDF files, and then he swears often.
It's called "Behind every great man stands a woman" or something like that - and of course I help him as best I can. I help with taming stubborn PDF files and other adversities, of which the sighted politicians colleagues not the slightest idea that they exist at all. The shadows behind a great man has it advantages. If Mr. Livingston Seagull for days out in order to improve the world, I need no food to cook. Then he gets around the Clock tax money I save eating and shopping, cooking and washing. I can also use the time for adventurous things. Of course I can use the time for adventurous things when he at home waiting for me, but then feels differently and not so good.
After I answered Mr. seagull last Sunday a green young man, I'm a friend first and foremost a totally ice-covered stairs and actually locked to Skansen Kronan climbed. After that, we have set ourselves in a cafe, which is called MUMS and I have heard again wonderfully weird stories of how someone endures Swabian and Italian roots, the Swedish mentality. Or not. Finally we went to the movies, one of these alternative, where no advertising is and where the toilets actually have to spend more time than in the cinema, because it is read on the walls as much. We have seen the film hedgehog, who I really liked. Yes, if I think about that, I'm probably just to find the way to the perfect hiding place ...
Also on Monday Mr Gull was on the road and I took the time to make a bit adventurous homework for my correspondence course. But I was the last time there not only to divided over open fire -patty, but also elected fire chief in our small group.
We call ourselves The pyromaniac and have the task of presenting on Saturday all the others how to lit even under the most adverse of circumstances in a fire at and maintain. I have the task selected with the tinder. So I bought last week a real Swedish Firesteel , something that works even when it rains in torrents for days and no more matches dry.
Before I went out into the wilderness, I have done at home in the sink a couple of indoor experiments. It came out that functions as a scale at the very best auseinandergefluselter a tampon. Since
enough sometimes even a single spark - and Fusselzeug ablaze. So Swedish fire steel and a few tampons, as packaged in a waterproof film canister, then comes to good ends meet. Thus, I could my backpack and verify the whole pack in the open. At the top of Vättlefjäll I then not only a great little fire made in order to cook soup and tea and a barbecue Nuremberg, but I've actually harvested along with some fresh tinder sponges, which I can show around on Saturday.
I think in each of us there is a degree of criminal energy. In my case it is manifested in the fact that I like to go without a ticket with the public - of course without getting caught! - And that I herumkokele with some devilish delight and stir up my little fire. What I learn will need to continue to have patience, so I next time maybe a little less like a smoked eel smell me and even with my outdoor cooking does not burn your mouth again. Good things take time ...

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