Being determines consciousness. I have learned in school. And also, promote the development of contradictions. Now I am someone who gets by with a little, but even the little needs to be worked out so for now. As to the "limited resources" now includes the work - the time of my socialization that was different - now represents many of the battle for a basic economic security regularly on the agenda. For me, too. I do not like. to sell, I do not like. And yet I'm not drumrum. At first I had tried to convince the Swedes of my market value. That I have not managed to have I then pushed out that here the stereotyped thinking up some more to be higher than in Germany and that my papers fit into any of these well-stocked, small-sized drawers inside. Here one is do not even admitted to the program if you can not show English as their first foreign language! You have to fight several battles to overturn this discrimination - and I really like it at all, wasting power and life time for such fights.
For this reason I have then ceased to convince the Swedes of my market value. It was so much energy and life on it there - and it led to nothing. And so I turned again to those who the mean market value already know them really well and finished with so-called service contracts. Colloquially, one would probably just say "fee agreement". In Sweden, however, can not simply casual work free and fee once rich. Here is the only actors and journalists. All others must start with such a kind of income your own company.
The again, I found it funny, because what was that like? You should write a book, build a house, plant a tree, bring children into the world - and start their own company? That with the book and the children I had already checked off, was only a computer book, but certainly güldet, a property I do not need the tree and I have not repealed. So now his own company. I thought that was exciting! A single day I've organized what can teach you about business start-up, four hours beyond the basics of accounting and another four on trade in services within the EU. The rest I pulled myself inside. Learning by doing, they say new German well. I say "run you only learn by running" and also think of the above-mentioned contradictions that drive our development.
once you get far too much notice of overdue tax payments on a regular basis, just because you've done something wrong or just forgot, then do you do next time is not the same mistake again. It's that simple named this
My tiny company, it is to the family of corvids, has now existed a year and I'm in the process one more time to negotiate service contracts with my Berlin clients, this time the same for a term of two years. During this time I want to study more diligently and build me by and by an existence that is independent of my German clients - as with the certificates of the University of Kalmar strike.
As an export company that is I have to also live with the fact that the value of my work constantly for two years decreases. When I moved here in the summer of 2009, I was able to work for an hour, which of course I was paid in €, continue for 13 times here in Gothenburg the tram. Today the same hourly rate no longer gives the 10 tram rides. And there is no means to do something with it that maybe the fares have increased. Nee, who are here - in contrast to Berlin - for several years consistently.

berättar Idag jag för det är hur mina engelska läsare att vara utlandet egenföretagare i Sverige med bara från Uppdrag, det vill SCIFA Berlin. Jag tycker mycket om att international hospitality Hemifran - efter 20 år med ett heltidsjobb and two children who were waiting at home. Right now I'm trying to negotiate new contracts with my clients in Germany. Contracts will be valid for two years and they should preferably give me a little more European money than I had last year. As so tiny export trade listening to anyway nogare bit when they talk about the current Euro exchange rate each morning in today's economy echo. It is the value of my work they are talking about. Yikes, pretty lousy! Therefore, I would use the next two years to study at the Linnaeus University and to eventually establish my business in front of people who pay in dollars. I do not much, but a smaller och Nagot sportligare cykel med till exempel skulle jag tjocka däck Vilja skaffa gärna mig, så att jag kan använda även på the Vinten. Jag en hel del efter mina längtar cykelturer almost jag med min nuvarande cykel Vágar mig inte ut. Den har i slutet Vilate Källaren sedan av november ...
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